Michelle Collins
Michelle Collins was a staff writer at CanadaOne.
Articles by Michelle Collins
Overcoming Your Fears to Achieve Success
November 17th, 2014
Fear. From butterflies in the stomach to a complete emotional shut-down, fear is one of the most powerful inhibitors in business. There is probably something in your business that makes you afraid.
Outsourcing Successfully
April 30th, 2004
When it comes to running a small business there simply aren't enough hours in the day to get everything done. Outsourcing could be the solution.
Marketing Alliances
April 30th, 2004
If you're looking to get more customers without spending a lot of time or money a marketing alliance could be the way to go. This month we tell you what to look for and how to set up the deal.
Biker Business
March 31st, 2004
An influx of baby boomers and young families has fueled Canada's motorcycle industry in recent years. This month we take a look at this evolving industry.
Good Health Meets Good Business
February 29th, 2004
Lately we've been hearing a lot about things like trans fats and obesity. While these issues could pose big problems for our society in the future, they can also represent big opportunity for entrepreneurs.
The Ins and Outs of Individual Credit
January 31st, 2004
You've decided to run a credit check on a potential client to ensure that you'll get paid for your services. Once the report arrives what are you really looking at and how can you use the information to make the best decision? This article can help.
The New Privacy Laws Explained
December 31st, 2003
On January 1st, 2004 the federal government’s new privacy laws took effect. This article will help you understand the impact of the new legislation on your business.
Privacy Checklist: Are You Ready?
November 30th, 2003
The federal government is poised to implement new privacy laws in the New Year. Is your business ready? Read through our checklist to find out.
CEO's Desk: Cross Border Business
October 31st, 2003
This month we look at a small CEO who has found big success south of the border.
Getting Paid
September 30th, 2003
How can you ensure that your customers will pay? These tips will help.
CEO's Desk: Inventing Business
September 30th, 2003
Business insights from an Alberta-based high tech entrepreneur.
CEO's Desk: Dressed for Success
August 31st, 2003
This month we start a new series where we look at Canadian entrepreneurs who have made the leap from a small local business to a national enterprise. In our first article, we talk to high-end retailer Harry Rosen.
Is Your Business Burning You Out?
July 31st, 2003
If you find yourself struggling to finish work or you no longer find enjoyment in things that you normally love you could be in the advanced stages of burnout. Learn to recognize the signs and manage your stress levels with this article.
Contract Debriefing
June 30th, 2003
You did all of the work to submit your bid but someone else was awarded that government contract. This doesn't have to mean the end of your experience. This month we conclude our series on government procurement by taking a look at what you can do when you lose.
Identity Theft: How to Protect Your Business
May 31st, 2003
identity, theft, crime, protection, Michelle Collins, personal, information, phonebusters, passwords, fraud