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Your  Emotional Success  Fingerprint

By Dr. Jill Ammon-Wexler, Pioneer brain/mind researcher |

The human mind has many varied forms of expression. But perhaps the least understood of these are the concepts of "feelings" and "emotions".

For example: Although it's easy enough to recognize when you're feeling something - it's far less clear just what a "feeling" really is.

According to Webster's Dictionary, a feeling is "a partly mental, partlyphysical response marked by pleasure, pain, attraction, or repulsion." Butnote that this says nothing about how you respond to that feeling!

The reason our emotional responses vary so much is that our emotions areactually learned responses.

For example: No man comes into life automatically feeling rage if someonenotices he has an unusually large nose. His anger may date back to when hefirst entered school at age seven -- and was teased beyond his capacity toendure!

Perhaps he was small for his age as a 7-year old. And although he had"feelings" of pain and rage - his safest emotional expression was to appearindifferent. As an adult, this could evolve into an emotion of "bitingsarcasm" toward anyone seen as a potential emotional threat!

So you can see - it's in the learned responses to our feelings thatpeople differ.

How Emotions Impact Your Success

Most of today's success mentors insist that your "emotional intelligence"(EQ) is a better predictor of your success and happiness in life than your"rational intelligence" (IQ.)

We've all known really bright folks who don't come close to living up totheir potential. This is not to make them wrong! They just don't have anemotional commitment to achieving their true potential.

But how many "emotionally passionate" people do you know who aren'tstretching out to achieve their true potential?

"So what do I really mean by passion?" you ask.

In terms of life success and happiness -- passion is an *intense* emotion(high EQ) directed at achieving something that is either wanted, orunwanted. For example: A passionate desire to "escape" unwanted poverty --or a passionate desire to attain" wanted financial independence.

Note that the goal to "escape" poverty and the goal to "attain" financialindependence are directed toward the same end result.

But are they truly the same?

A Scientific Version of the "Law of Attraction"

Both neuroscientists and behavioral scientists have clearly demonstratedthat when you have a strong emotion toward something - you physicallystrengthen your brain's neural pathways dedicated to that "something".

This is likely the neurological basis for what metaphysical writers have forages called "The Law of Attraction".

The modern scientific version of this ancient law may be stated: You"attract" what you intensely focus your emotion on - as in doing so, youbuild strong neural networks directly related to your focus.

Here's a sample scenario: Suppose you're buying a Ford Pinto automobile. Youselect what you feel is the most exciting and unique color for the Pinto -deep red. But when you hit the road with your new red Pinto automobile, yousuddenly see one after another of the exact same model and color.

You'd never before noticed that red is such a common color for the FordPinto!

What happened is that your new red Pinto has created a dynamic neuralawareness. Your neurons have been sensitized to notice similar cars becauseof your excitement (intense EQ) about your new red Pinto!

Did you "attract" these red cars?

Most likely not! But you're now certainly aware of their existence. Likewiseif you have an intense desire to manifest a goal - you are more apt tobecome aware of people and opportunities related to that goal.

The Power of Positive Emotions

Back to our comparison of the goal to "escape" poverty - vs the goal to"attain" financial independence.

Although both goals aim for the same end result - they deal with quitedifferent emotions. The desire to escape poverty is fueled by fear, whilethe desire to attain financial freedom is fueled by positive desire andattraction.

While both could possibly take you to the same end goal - the "Law ofAttraction" predicts quite a different experience while moving along thepath leading toward your goal.

What you focus intense emotion (passion) on will "attract your attention" tomore of the same.

Build neural pathways based on doubt and fear, and you sensitize your brainto recognize and warn you of anything related to your doubt and fear. Build neural pathways based on positive emotions, and you will sensitizeyour brain to recognize opportunities related to your positive expectations.

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