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Business Writing

The way you use words in business can have a great impact on the level of your success.

These articles on effective business writing will help you craft powerful messages to engage customers, and better communicate with suppliers and employees.

The Lost Art of Business Letter Writing

Despite the advent of fax, voice mail, and email, the art of business letter writing is not a lost cause. In this article Reg Pirie, a Canadian author and speaker, explains how - and when - to write an effective business letter.


Phrases that Pay: Simple Statements that Increase your Perceived Value

Quick - name two words which, when frequently used by waiters and waitresses, increase tips by 12%. (Hint: it's not please or thank you).


Can Writing Improve Your Business? You bet.

Read on to find out how you can strengthen any piece of prose, whether it's a press release, a marketing letter, a business plan intended to pique investor interest, or another form of written communication.


Four Simple Steps to Sharpening Your Writing

Want to pack more punch into your written messages? Expert communicator Paul Lima tells you how.


Sailing the Seven Cs of Effective Writing

Read on to find out how you can write articles and letters that people will want to read.


The Mathematics of Persuasive Communication: Part I

What if the secret of effective business writing could be simmered down to a simple, mathematical formula? In Part 1 this 3 part series author Philip Yaffe shares with us a new way to look at how we communicate.


The Mathematics of Persuasive Communication: Part II

In the second installment in this series, Philip Yaffe looks at how simple mathematical concepts can improve the conciseness and clarity of business communications.


The Mathematics of Persuasive Communication: Part III

In this final installment of Philip Yaffe's three part series on effective written communications, Mr. Yaffe looks at the role of density in the creation of effective prose.


In Business, Plain Words Say it Best

If you want to increase sales, forget buzz words. Talking in plain language can be more persuasive in developing new business.


Writing the Perfect Email: Professional or Casual?

Which is better: a formal "Dear Mr. Smith", or a cheerful "Hi John"? In this day and age it can be hard decide which salutations and sign-offs are best. To find out if you're committing a communication faux pas make sure to read this article.


Power Words Are Plain Words, Active Words

Some writers think that using indirect, grandiose-sounding vocabulary strengthens a piece of writing. Nothing could be further from the truth.


Want to communicate effectively? Use the 5 Ws to help you.

Tune is as Paul Lima, freelance writer and author, explains how who - what - when - where - why can improve your business.


Power Words Support the Sentence, Complete the Sentence

Power words are often verbs that drive your sentences forward and pique a reader's interest. The Canadian Press Stylebook gives two useful examples of how power words can replace passive sentence construction.


Build Your Online Brand with Words

Learn how you can improve your results online by writing better copy.


Power Words Are Dominant and Commanding

Power words get right down to the nitty-gritty. For example, rather than writing  Friendliness is the salesman's best asset,  replace  friendliness  with  a smile .


Power Words: A Final Point

If you are not used to using power words, at first it is best to use these words or phrases sparingly and to try to weave them gently into your natural written style.


Power Words: Use Them to Strengthen Your Writing

In a literal sense, no word is a power word. All words are abstract things because they represent the idea of objects, not the actual objects. Yet all writers learn early on in their career to differentiate between the meaning of a concrete word – also known as a "power word" – and the meaning of an abstract word.