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Book Review: The Corporate Storyteller

By Julie King |

Title:The Corporate Storyteller: A Writing Manual & Style Guide for the Brave New Business Leader
Author:Elaine Stirling

This light, engaging book carries an important message that could help many business people. You can think of it as a paradigm shift, really.

We are inundated today with communication, from emails and memos, to text messages and voicemail. The key message of this book is that the tone and tenor of how we communicate has a direct impact on how well we succeed in the business world.

With this principle set, this short 91 page book then outlines a writing approach designed to get a better response from the reader.

Stirling shows readers how to use engagement tools common to storytelling in their corporate communications. In one of her first examples, she shows how four short emails from a fictional businesswoman alienate the colleague she is asking for help from. By her third and fourth emails, she has slipped into a pattern of blame.

Stirling then goes on to show how this person could have engaged rather than alienated her colleague so that he would not only help her with this request, but would want to help her with other things as well. Ultimately, good communication is about recognizing and engaging the humanity of others.

If you are looking for a technical writing guide, this is not the book for you. Do buy this book if you want to learn how adjusting your communication style can help you become a better business leader.

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